27 November 2007

A month until Christmas

Actually, slightly less than a month, but I'm late putting up this entry. Job searching is exhausting. I think the only thing that keeps me going with it is that I know when I finally succeed, I won't have to do it again for awhile. Like, at least a year depending on the job.

Things are still kind of strange, as I think I always expected to be more settled after being here for six months (which I hit next week, so I guess there's still time). But, I have updated my links of things I write that I like on the side, so check it out. Basically, I spend a lot of time writing news stories using press releases, quotes that TV and radio reporters get and things that move on the wire, so whenever I step out of that zone at work and feel like I've really created something new and interesting -- and talked to real people to do so -- I post it there. It's pretty strict criteria, so the list isn't very long!

Anyway, the job hunt continues. I've started applying for a rather random assortment of careers, as I hit panic mode every so often about my lack of permanency and financial security, so at this point I kind of wonder what happens if I get calls back.

For example, fact checker for a magazine? Maybe if I have the chance to write and some nifty freebies (I've never really wanted to write for magazines, unless it's like Macleans, and even in that case, I'd be more interested in their website!).

Or reporter on all issues Canadian Idol? Barring some slight reservations about the effect this could have my lofty political reporter goals, it actually sounds pretty cool.

Any reporter position? I'm there (well, if it's in Toronto) in a heartbeat. Even if it's not perfect, it's a foot in the door, some experience and steady pay. I'm learning that every month logged is valuable and essential experience when you're competing in this biz.

I haven't resorted to marketing/advertising/pr applications yet, because I know if I go that way, there's no turning back to journalism. I don't know for sure how much longer I have to wait -- especially since this whole on-call, casual thing eats into all aspects of life and makes exploring freelancing opportunities more difficult -- but the time is not now.

To loosely paraphrase Dirty Sexy Money, a show I have just started watching, tomorrow's a new day, with new chances, and we'll see what it brings.

Hopefully it brings chocolate.

1 comment:

JD said...

there's mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer, and your name has now been circulated to some big wigs. so good things are afoot.

oh, and i've linked to your blog from mine. so if any hits come my way, hopefully they'll have the good sense to click my first 'friendly link'.
