27 November 2007

A month until Christmas

Actually, slightly less than a month, but I'm late putting up this entry. Job searching is exhausting. I think the only thing that keeps me going with it is that I know when I finally succeed, I won't have to do it again for awhile. Like, at least a year depending on the job.

Things are still kind of strange, as I think I always expected to be more settled after being here for six months (which I hit next week, so I guess there's still time). But, I have updated my links of things I write that I like on the side, so check it out. Basically, I spend a lot of time writing news stories using press releases, quotes that TV and radio reporters get and things that move on the wire, so whenever I step out of that zone at work and feel like I've really created something new and interesting -- and talked to real people to do so -- I post it there. It's pretty strict criteria, so the list isn't very long!

Anyway, the job hunt continues. I've started applying for a rather random assortment of careers, as I hit panic mode every so often about my lack of permanency and financial security, so at this point I kind of wonder what happens if I get calls back.

For example, fact checker for a magazine? Maybe if I have the chance to write and some nifty freebies (I've never really wanted to write for magazines, unless it's like Macleans, and even in that case, I'd be more interested in their website!).

Or reporter on all issues Canadian Idol? Barring some slight reservations about the effect this could have my lofty political reporter goals, it actually sounds pretty cool.

Any reporter position? I'm there (well, if it's in Toronto) in a heartbeat. Even if it's not perfect, it's a foot in the door, some experience and steady pay. I'm learning that every month logged is valuable and essential experience when you're competing in this biz.

I haven't resorted to marketing/advertising/pr applications yet, because I know if I go that way, there's no turning back to journalism. I don't know for sure how much longer I have to wait -- especially since this whole on-call, casual thing eats into all aspects of life and makes exploring freelancing opportunities more difficult -- but the time is not now.

To loosely paraphrase Dirty Sexy Money, a show I have just started watching, tomorrow's a new day, with new chances, and we'll see what it brings.

Hopefully it brings chocolate.

22 November 2007


We got our first real snowfall today. The roads are slick, it's cold, and the plow drivers don't officially start work until Dec. 1, but I have no where to go so I get to enjoy peering out at the white covered city from the safe warmth in front of my fireplace. The city looks much nicer when it snows, it kind of helps to cover all the grime for a little while. If the snow stops, by this evening the snow will be all dirty again and the not-so-crowded illusion will be shattered. But for now, I'm going to drink my eggnog and enjoy.

I'm coming off two days off in a row. My laundry is done, my dishes are mostly done, and I still have boxes from the East Coast to unpack--because I don't know where to put the stuff. I've also been doing some publishing for PCWorld to help pay the bills, so it's better than just sitting around with nothing at all to keep me occupied.

I had a job interview yesterday for a position in Ottawa. It was a wire service job, with one of the big private media conglomerates, and it sounded just like the kind of thing I have experience in, and would enjoy. My name would have been published in newspapers across the country. Unfortunately, it's in Ottawa. In my current funk over my apparent unemployability, I thought about moving yet again. But, I dont think I can handle it. James is in Toronto. I'm just starting to get a life in Toronto, though paying for it may become an issue in the coming months. My cell phone number has changed three times in the last year. My address has changed three times. I've lived in Halifax, Guysborough and Toronto twice since last November, inhabiting seven different apartments. Once the possibility of moving became at all real, I realized that I just can't do it again, not yet. Maybe in a year or two James will be more mobile and we'll decide to hit up another city, likely Ottawa, but now's not the time.

So the job hunt continues.

20 November 2007

I've got an Ontarian card

Now, in addition to my monthly Toronto Transit Commission pass -- found in the hands of most dedicated Torontonian commuters who don't drive -- I have an Ontario health card. Complete with an Ontario address.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. Maybe it will all sink in for "reals" when my new licence arrives. I still don't feel permanent here, even as I near the six month (six months!) mark, despite the apartment, the cell phone, the whole deal. I haven't really stayed in one place for very long in a very long time, the only difference was that it was always in N.S. Even here, we've only been in this apartment since September, and were facing down the possibility of moving again last month.

In other news, work is still fairly steady and some leads are starting to pop up for 'adult' jobs. I really do love to write and interview people and tell the story of current events, it's just the whole instability part of the field that makes life a little rocky.

And, I've mailed my first chunk of Christmas cards and we're supposed to get our first real snow tomorrow--not any real amount, but something better than a few scattered snow flakes. I feel like my Christmas spirit, if not my Ontario pride, is definitely on the rise.

12 November 2007

Wishing for snow...

It's dark. It's coldish. And it's only a month and 13 days until Christmas (not that I'm counting). I feel I deserve some snow. I'm not asking for a blizzard or anything, just a smattering of flurries to get me in the Christmas spirit. After all, since when is +10 in November an acceptable upper Canadian temperature?

On a related note, I'm starting to Christmas shop and address Christmas cards. I'm particularly enjoying my fire place while I'm doing this, as it half-convinces me that it is indeed Christmas time, and should be cold enough to merit a roaring fire.

I'm also addressing and stamping save the date cards, which we finally succeeded in designing and printing on our snazzy new printer. I hope other wedding-related details come with a little less delay and hassle. I am, however, looking forward to tasting cake, wine and meals :) Though, admittedly, after all that, I will be a little concerned about fitting into my dress.

In the job sphere, I've been spending a lot of time on the tech desk as they prepare to roll out a snazzy, and enormous, new feature next week. I appreciate the work, and am starting to get the hang of this whole science and tech-y thing, I think. I'm still getting a lot of shifts at the mothercorp, only two days off in the past two weeks, but am still a little anxious about the whole not permanent (and no paid vacation thing). It's a great experience, and fab for my resume, but I'm getting a little twitchy (ok, a lot twitchy) over the lack of predictability and stability. The likelihood of an after Christmas election (currently about a 50-50 chance in my books) will probably determine how avidly I pursue new venues of employment. I've been applying for jobs that I come across, but I'm not yet in full-fledged panic mode.

I guess the glamorous world of journalism (I did see Ken Dryden in the building last week, and rode in an elevator with Jack Layton a few weeks ago!) is turning out to be a lot like those glamorous type worlds I see on TV and read about. Those who make it have the chance to be immensely successful (though they'll never be millionaires) but it's a long, and often un-documented, slog to the top with many people dropping out and falling to the way side. Guess we'll just have to see if my love of telling stories--particularly about politics--in the public good can continue to outweigh my love of stability and dreams of a condo that James and I can call our own.

10 November 2007

I'm still here!

I've been a little homesick of late, and had a cold, which has contributed to my lack of blogging. Recently my days have been composed of getting up just barely in time to get out the door for work, working, coming home and cooking supper, then falling asleep while watching TV. Not exactly the hip, happening life of a 22-year-old in Canada's biggest city, but both types of sickness along with the dropping temperatures (though not yet below zero, so no real snow) have made me kind of complacent.

I've also been starting to get a little unsure about this whole journalism gig. I like stability, and this career doesn't seem to lend itself to normal or reliable hours or anything predictable. It is exciting, but at the same time, a guaranteed paycheque and guaranteed five-day work weeks would be nice. Fabulous even.

Wedding stuff is also becoming all consuming. There are so many ridiculous things that I suddenly care about: the flowers (I've never been much of a flower person), the perfect shade of purple, the favours, the save-the-date cards (which, god-willing, will be arriving in a mailbox near you within the next two weeks.) What's most important to me is just to have all our family and friends around and have a good long weekend together, with a nice ceremony and some decent food. And great shoes.

Anyway, I must sign off of this moderately depressing post. Just wanted to alert those of you still out there that I am, indeed, alive and doing well. Hopefully my Christmas spirit will soon kick in and some good shopping will ensue:)