10 November 2007

I'm still here!

I've been a little homesick of late, and had a cold, which has contributed to my lack of blogging. Recently my days have been composed of getting up just barely in time to get out the door for work, working, coming home and cooking supper, then falling asleep while watching TV. Not exactly the hip, happening life of a 22-year-old in Canada's biggest city, but both types of sickness along with the dropping temperatures (though not yet below zero, so no real snow) have made me kind of complacent.

I've also been starting to get a little unsure about this whole journalism gig. I like stability, and this career doesn't seem to lend itself to normal or reliable hours or anything predictable. It is exciting, but at the same time, a guaranteed paycheque and guaranteed five-day work weeks would be nice. Fabulous even.

Wedding stuff is also becoming all consuming. There are so many ridiculous things that I suddenly care about: the flowers (I've never been much of a flower person), the perfect shade of purple, the favours, the save-the-date cards (which, god-willing, will be arriving in a mailbox near you within the next two weeks.) What's most important to me is just to have all our family and friends around and have a good long weekend together, with a nice ceremony and some decent food. And great shoes.

Anyway, I must sign off of this moderately depressing post. Just wanted to alert those of you still out there that I am, indeed, alive and doing well. Hopefully my Christmas spirit will soon kick in and some good shopping will ensue:)

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