22 November 2007


We got our first real snowfall today. The roads are slick, it's cold, and the plow drivers don't officially start work until Dec. 1, but I have no where to go so I get to enjoy peering out at the white covered city from the safe warmth in front of my fireplace. The city looks much nicer when it snows, it kind of helps to cover all the grime for a little while. If the snow stops, by this evening the snow will be all dirty again and the not-so-crowded illusion will be shattered. But for now, I'm going to drink my eggnog and enjoy.

I'm coming off two days off in a row. My laundry is done, my dishes are mostly done, and I still have boxes from the East Coast to unpack--because I don't know where to put the stuff. I've also been doing some publishing for PCWorld to help pay the bills, so it's better than just sitting around with nothing at all to keep me occupied.

I had a job interview yesterday for a position in Ottawa. It was a wire service job, with one of the big private media conglomerates, and it sounded just like the kind of thing I have experience in, and would enjoy. My name would have been published in newspapers across the country. Unfortunately, it's in Ottawa. In my current funk over my apparent unemployability, I thought about moving yet again. But, I dont think I can handle it. James is in Toronto. I'm just starting to get a life in Toronto, though paying for it may become an issue in the coming months. My cell phone number has changed three times in the last year. My address has changed three times. I've lived in Halifax, Guysborough and Toronto twice since last November, inhabiting seven different apartments. Once the possibility of moving became at all real, I realized that I just can't do it again, not yet. Maybe in a year or two James will be more mobile and we'll decide to hit up another city, likely Ottawa, but now's not the time.

So the job hunt continues.

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