12 November 2007

Wishing for snow...

It's dark. It's coldish. And it's only a month and 13 days until Christmas (not that I'm counting). I feel I deserve some snow. I'm not asking for a blizzard or anything, just a smattering of flurries to get me in the Christmas spirit. After all, since when is +10 in November an acceptable upper Canadian temperature?

On a related note, I'm starting to Christmas shop and address Christmas cards. I'm particularly enjoying my fire place while I'm doing this, as it half-convinces me that it is indeed Christmas time, and should be cold enough to merit a roaring fire.

I'm also addressing and stamping save the date cards, which we finally succeeded in designing and printing on our snazzy new printer. I hope other wedding-related details come with a little less delay and hassle. I am, however, looking forward to tasting cake, wine and meals :) Though, admittedly, after all that, I will be a little concerned about fitting into my dress.

In the job sphere, I've been spending a lot of time on the tech desk as they prepare to roll out a snazzy, and enormous, new feature next week. I appreciate the work, and am starting to get the hang of this whole science and tech-y thing, I think. I'm still getting a lot of shifts at the mothercorp, only two days off in the past two weeks, but am still a little anxious about the whole not permanent (and no paid vacation thing). It's a great experience, and fab for my resume, but I'm getting a little twitchy (ok, a lot twitchy) over the lack of predictability and stability. The likelihood of an after Christmas election (currently about a 50-50 chance in my books) will probably determine how avidly I pursue new venues of employment. I've been applying for jobs that I come across, but I'm not yet in full-fledged panic mode.

I guess the glamorous world of journalism (I did see Ken Dryden in the building last week, and rode in an elevator with Jack Layton a few weeks ago!) is turning out to be a lot like those glamorous type worlds I see on TV and read about. Those who make it have the chance to be immensely successful (though they'll never be millionaires) but it's a long, and often un-documented, slog to the top with many people dropping out and falling to the way side. Guess we'll just have to see if my love of telling stories--particularly about politics--in the public good can continue to outweigh my love of stability and dreams of a condo that James and I can call our own.

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