30 June 2008

I know, I disappeared, again

I'm sorry. I've started my new job, which I think is going pretty well but is certainly a big adjustment, James and I are moving in two weeks to a bigger apartment, and the wedding is roughly a month away. To say things are a little busy would be a serious understatement!

15 May 2008

Plugging along

I've been working away as a sub on the Calgary site, which has been oddly filled with animal stories -- wild hogs, stingrays and gorillas in particular -- and don't have much to report. James and I have been busy wedding planning (with only 80 days left!) and I'm gearing up for my job change, and getting pretty excited and nervous about both things.

I've also had a bit of a spring cold, probably prompted by the fluctuations in temperature lately, which hasn't made me particularly interesting or entertaining, but also not incapacitated.

I'm looking forward to some rest and relaxation over the long weekend, and have my eyes on a pair of black and white giraffe print shoes (they're fuzzy!) which may be coming home with me as part of the relaxation!

25 April 2008

Big news!

So, I'm leaving the CBC. Which is terrifying, invigorating and exciting. Part of me wants to slam on the brakes to avoid the change, while the other half is putting the pedal to the floor to get my new challenges started.

Now, as those of you who know me would expect, I'm not just packing up and leaving without a job. I'm going to The Star for a summer contract as a web editor, starting mid-June, and I think it's going to be amazing. It's an incredible opportunity to work for a very prominent daily paper, and to get to flex my skills in a new setting.

I'm starting to get used to the idea of change. I love it at the CBC, but I'm getting tired of being the second string. I'm the supporting player, it's like I'm in the minors, and while I'm called up frequently to play with the bigs boys, I still know that I'm the second (or third) choice for the position. I may be playing left wing, but it's only because the regular guy is out with an injury. And, there will be games, big ones, that I'll regrettably miss out on.

This feeling, paired with the irregular shifts and constantly changing tasks, makes me think a summer at The Star will help me grow as a journalist and maybe help boost my confidence a bit. Plus, any routine will be a huge boost to my overall well being.

I will miss the Mother Corp though. I've been in Toronto for almost a year, it will be a year by the time I leave, and almost everyone I know in the city is there. I still don't have a whole lot of friends here -- it's hard when you schedule changes by the hour -- so I'll really miss all of my great coworkers.

But, here's hoping that all goes well! And, I have no idea what will happen in September when my contract ends, but it's time for me to change things up. I think it's time to get into a routine and take a -- small -- professional risk that fits around the wedding!

21 April 2008

I felt so guilty

That I updated the links right away! Enjoy. Also, note that I'm starting to get my name on some things, either at top or bottom, which is always a bit of an ego boost. And, my Canadiens swept game seven, so I can breathe easy for a few more days!

I apologize for my absence...

But I promise, it will soon all be worth it. I've been working towards something, and should have news within the week. Between these efforts, addressing wedding invites, and have nightly hockey games to set me on edge, I have been more than a little swamped.

I did, however, buy wedding shoes. They're shiny and I love them. I can't believe I have to wait another 3 1/2 months to wear them!

And, as I sign off, anxiously watching the end of the Habs game -- which could either make me very happy or make me cry -- I promise to post some new links and some news soon.

27 March 2008

Still waiting...

For something to change. And for winter to end. But, in the meantime, here are some new links:

Squid beaks
(Separately, I scientifically conclude that they're icky)

Bendable chips (Note the almost byline on the bottom, in tiny type!)

Deadly diseases (I've been self-diagnosing ever since)

Hyperactivity study

Smoking actually does stunt your growth!

While I have been working full time lately (huzzah!), I spend a lot of time dashing off stories pretty quickly, weaving together interviews, stuff from radio and tv, wire copy and press releases. And, while it certainly isn't easy, it doesn't always produce stuff you're necessarily proud of or attached to. So, it's nice to see a week where I had a few pieces I could pour a little more time into, doing more research and in all but the squid story -- because the press release quotes were priceless -- conducting my own interviews.

A busy, and tough week, but, as I head into Friday, I'm feeling tired but fairly satisfied with my output -- an unfortunately rare occurence of late.

13 March 2008

Waiting makes me anxious...

So, last week, I had a first round interview with a fairly prominent national weekly magazine for a year-long, paid internship. Very exciting indeed.

Now, I'm waiting to see if I make it through to the next round, which will involve another interview. This should happen roughly within the next two weeks.

Then, by April 1st, the decisions will be made, and my plans for the next few months -- or really year -- will either alter dramatically, meaning I'll have some, or remain in limbo.

This, combined with an increasingly crazy work schedule in different department, performing different tasks at different hours every day, is driving me a little wonky.

Or, more accurately, staring at the ceiling as I wake up with a start every night (always with the questions: did I read the schedule right? Should I be up now? At work? What floor am I working on today?) wishing not only that time would pass but that I could secure some break that could grant me a routine and some degree of normalcy. A permanent, full-time position would make me unbelievably happy, as would a prestigious internship for any length of time, but as my anxiety levels reach such heights that normal functioning is becoming difficult, I'd jump at the chance for a normal, predictable schedule for even just a month.