27 March 2008

Still waiting...

For something to change. And for winter to end. But, in the meantime, here are some new links:

Squid beaks
(Separately, I scientifically conclude that they're icky)

Bendable chips (Note the almost byline on the bottom, in tiny type!)

Deadly diseases (I've been self-diagnosing ever since)

Hyperactivity study

Smoking actually does stunt your growth!

While I have been working full time lately (huzzah!), I spend a lot of time dashing off stories pretty quickly, weaving together interviews, stuff from radio and tv, wire copy and press releases. And, while it certainly isn't easy, it doesn't always produce stuff you're necessarily proud of or attached to. So, it's nice to see a week where I had a few pieces I could pour a little more time into, doing more research and in all but the squid story -- because the press release quotes were priceless -- conducting my own interviews.

A busy, and tough week, but, as I head into Friday, I'm feeling tired but fairly satisfied with my output -- an unfortunately rare occurence of late.

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