13 March 2008

Waiting makes me anxious...

So, last week, I had a first round interview with a fairly prominent national weekly magazine for a year-long, paid internship. Very exciting indeed.

Now, I'm waiting to see if I make it through to the next round, which will involve another interview. This should happen roughly within the next two weeks.

Then, by April 1st, the decisions will be made, and my plans for the next few months -- or really year -- will either alter dramatically, meaning I'll have some, or remain in limbo.

This, combined with an increasingly crazy work schedule in different department, performing different tasks at different hours every day, is driving me a little wonky.

Or, more accurately, staring at the ceiling as I wake up with a start every night (always with the questions: did I read the schedule right? Should I be up now? At work? What floor am I working on today?) wishing not only that time would pass but that I could secure some break that could grant me a routine and some degree of normalcy. A permanent, full-time position would make me unbelievably happy, as would a prestigious internship for any length of time, but as my anxiety levels reach such heights that normal functioning is becoming difficult, I'd jump at the chance for a normal, predictable schedule for even just a month.

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