06 December 2007

Happy December

The pre-Christmas flurry of activity has kept me quite busy. I'm about three-quarters of the way through my Christmas shopping, which I hope to finish this week. I'm also getting very excited to get home to Nova Scotia, even if it's only for a few days, to see my family and just be home. Also, because the time is drawing close so quickly, I'm starting to think about other, less sentimental, reasons for visiting, including:

- Mussels that haven't flown halfway across the country
- Peanut butter pie at The Knot
- Lunenburg pudding (which, for those of you who don't know, is kind of a grey, spicy meat -- which James refuses to try)
- Garlic fingers, which I have not been able to find/get here. Also, if you ask, you draw a lot of blank stares
- Saying "Fill your boots" without being mocked
- Travelling by SUV with heated seats, rather than by the crowded, dirty subway

I'm sure as the time draws closer I'll think of more silly reasons too.

Otherwise, not much has been happening. We cook, we clean, we work, we shop and we play video games. Certainly not a bad existence in any way, just not terribly blog-worthy.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

You have a blog too? Consider yourself linked! (kerawall.blogspot.com)