14 December 2007

A week until home!

Life has been exhausting this week, with full time work at the CBC and an article for PCWorld.ca, combined with a sore throat and attempts to prepare for Christmas and get ready for my much anticipated first trip back to Nova Scotia since I left last June.

As a result, this will be a short one. Not much has changed since the last post, I'm still chugging away on the job hunt and am trying not to get too dejected. I do think I may give myself a brief break over Christmas, to alleviate the feeling of rejection from every unanswered application (there have been over a hundred by now, I believe)and then hopefully when I come back in January I will be confident, revitalized, and employable. Fingers crossed.

We're bracing for a big snowstorm in Toronto -- which could break records set for December snowfall in 1944 (how's that for a journalism nerd factoid? I should really start doing trivia...) -- so, for those of you who have electricity this weekend, but are trapped inside, I'd love to recommend some light reading generated by yours truly this week:

- North Korea: axis of evil or tourist trap? (CBC)
- Kosovo Q & A (CBC)
- Canadian Internet pioneers (PCWorld)

OK, maybe it's not terribly light. But, compared to the Conrad Black and Pickton trial updates from earlier this week, these topics are seriously lighthearted.

Anyway, I must be off for present wrapping before I bring home a new batch of Christmas shopping tomorrow, providing I don't get stormstayed. I'll be dreaming of homemade cookies and a Nova Scotian Christmas for the next seven sleeps, until the dream becomes a reality!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

My Christmas break is exactly 24 hours in length, as I'm working Boxing Day (yay stat pay!). But it'll be nice to have Christmas Day off; the last days off I had were when I was sick in October.

(I coded your Medvedev In Depth today!)